Sunday, December 28, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
did u know? that the coastline of Greenland is approximately the length of the circumference of the earth @ the equator! link.
understanding yawning. link.
etymology of the word, understanding. my take is that, one gets a better view/comprehension of things when they stand underneath that object. ;-)
i just listened to, "maya" by carrie tree. i liked it. i like the way the voice rasps one instant, then becomes smooth the next, and then almost breaks the next, very effortlessly. link.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
i'm tired of Pak's argument that they 2 r a victim of terrorism. the point i want 2 make is, that terrorism is not fermented in India or based out of Indian soil. 2 me, that's a huge difference. rather, it a bumper harvest of the seeds (crop) Pak had sown by allowing its land 2 b used 4 terrorist training camps and on account of ISI's involvement in nurturing these terrorist organizations.
if Pak cannot keep its house in order, India would b more than glad 2 help pursue those rogue/terrorist elements in its land. as simple as that. related link.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
just in case, u thought india was illtreating it's muslim population, u might b surprised to know the following.
"India is the only Non-Muslim country in the world where Muslims have college and job reservations. Muslims are even given money to undertake Haj pilgrimage." link.
and the college reservations & job reservations come @ the expense of the majority hindu population, just on the basis that, someone was born as a muslim in india.
even hindus don't get tax payer's money to make religious piligrimages to hindu shrines!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
vid credit: lookang
interesting reading. link.
one of the responses to the above linked post, between == markers.
Every week Mr. Farrell writes an excellent article and it seems like the most sarcastic and naïve people are the first to respond. Rather than ridicule the messenger, you might want to educate yourself and you won’t be so arrogantly optimistic.
A lot of the things Mr. Farrell writes about is indeed predictable. You might want to watch the “Crash Course” by Chris Martenson. He references a transcript to a lecture by a Dr. Bartlett titled, “The Most Important Video You’ll Ever See.” Dr. Bartlett asserts that “The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the Exponential Function.”
Chris Martinson’s Crash Course can be found at this site.
Dr. Bartlett’s lecture is on YouTube. (Part 1 of 8)
A lot of the things Mr. Farrell writes about is indeed predictable. You might want to watch the “Crash Course” by Chris Martenson. He references a transcript to a lecture by a Dr. Bartlett titled, “The Most Important Video You’ll Ever See.” Dr. Bartlett asserts that “The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the Exponential Function.”
Chris Martinson’s Crash Course can be found at this site.
Dr. Bartlett’s lecture is on YouTube. (Part 1 of 8)
another post between ++++ markers.
If you want a really good read, get "Conquer the Crash" by Robert Prechter. Written in 2002, you would have thought he just wrote it last week. You can get a used copy on Amazon for about half.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
it is accepted that electromagnetic (EM) waves can travel through vacuum (absence of media), right? if they are indeed waves in literal sense, then shouldn't they need a medium for transmission?
so, then the riddle is how do they travel in vacuum? if u have insight that'll help me understand the propagation of EM waves in vacuum, PLEASE email me.
i've also posted this Q/riddle and the discussion continues, here.
i'm trying to understand, how an object gets its color. lying the bed last night, i narrowed it down to the frequencies/wavelengths of the contituents of the visible light spectrum and the frequencies of the vibration of the atoms electrons attached to the atoms of different elements of the periodic table. beyond that, my quest is following the following links [pun unintended ;-)].
Physics classroom tutorial.
Lesson 2(electromagnetic & visible spectra) link
while still on the topic, colors, try mixing/painting red, blue & green together and see if u get white! i've tried it.
xtra link - i haven't read this one yet.
Friday, November 21, 2008
i was in mysore again this tuesday and wednesday and was able to pick up a few coins belonging to the princely states of Travancore, Nizam of Hyderabad and Gwalior. 

2 coins of denomination "oru kaasu" or "one cash" from the period of Bala Rama II minted in 1928. see image here.
1 coin of denomination "half anna" from the period of Jivaji Rao Shindey
1 coin of denomination "2 pai" from the period of Nizam of Hyderabad minted in 1945 in the honor of King Safwat of Ottoman empire. ref

i was doing some reading on this guy, the Nizam of Hyderabad and was surprised to read that he was the world richest person till 1967! who would have guessed that the land of India had so much wealth in it. see article here.
some food 4 thought. link.
Friday, November 14, 2008
my take on the US adventures on the Kashmir issue. u should b able 2 figure out, which comments r mine.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
-what's up with ppl saying things like, "i was speaking from the bottom of my heart," and its ilk using heart as if it were the seat of thought.
all of our accumulated knowledge posits that, heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood around the body, not only in humans but also in all the other life forms that have one. i'd like to see heart dropped from discourse as being the original of certain thots and feelings.
-more ranting on the same. even feelings, like thought, have also been implicated as a mental activity occurring in brain!
-intel's new health gizmo ref
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sam Francis-Blue-balls-IV-1960
Mark Rothko utitled
Mark Rothko utitled
Mark Rothko Blue Green Brown
Thursday, November 6, 2008
don't waste ur life! watch entourage on HBO
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
the D day
George Bush beat McCain via questionable tactics in 2000 and he has beaten him with his legacy in 2008. I can just see W sitting with Cheney saying "How can we make sure John does not have a chance at a weekend comeback? Sure, Dick, you endorse him!!" ref: click here
Sunday, November 2, 2008
(pretty much sums up the political fallout of obama's half-aunt's immigration status)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
01nov2008,2933,445804,00.html (i wonder what would b the political impact of this one! so close 2 the D day)
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
with gr8 satisfaction and pride, i came to know that one of the paradoxes i came up with, was also conceived by another person almost 2 millenia ago, and that person is zeno and the paradox is zeno's paradox on "motion is impossible." today, the 21st of august, 2008, i have come to know that this paradox has a solution. wow! well, some more food 4 thought for me. nice....
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
found this course
working through it, have so far made it to unit 3 pg 27. want to complete the rest soon.
working through it, have so far made it to unit 3 pg 27. want to complete the rest soon.
life like a journey isn't abt reaching the destination. make the most off it while it lasts. -amar (27june2008;9.46pm)
Thursday, June 5, 2008
these r some of the comments that have cracked me up. u'll know whom they're abt if u've been following the 2008 elections. enjoy.
- Old Man's yelling at clouds again.
- Great speech from a guy who obviously doesn't need a teleprompter to string more than two sentences together! Loved his response to McCain's charge about visiting Iraq. Give that old man a US map and get out his flack jacket. He's got some more markets to visit.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
russell's paradox: can someone help me see/understand the paradox?
let's say r is a set consisting of members (physical beings) crystal, roark, dominique. in set languate, r={crystal, roark, dominique}.
i'm stumped trying to even ask the question, is the group consisting of crystal, roark, dominique a member of the group consisting of crystal, roark, dominique? is there any physical equivalence to this seemingly rhetorical Q?
the original set r consists of three individuals, physical beings. now, that is simple and straightforward. the set is an abstract entity. does it make sense to even ask, whether an abstract entity, in this case the set r, is a member of the set which is a collection of individual physical beings?
doesn't the very definition of the set r, exclude those entities or members who r not physical beings?
let's say r is a set consisting of members (physical beings) crystal, roark, dominique. in set languate, r={crystal, roark, dominique}.
i'm stumped trying to even ask the question, is the group consisting of crystal, roark, dominique a member of the group consisting of crystal, roark, dominique? is there any physical equivalence to this seemingly rhetorical Q?
the original set r consists of three individuals, physical beings. now, that is simple and straightforward. the set is an abstract entity. does it make sense to even ask, whether an abstract entity, in this case the set r, is a member of the set which is a collection of individual physical beings?
doesn't the very definition of the set r, exclude those entities or members who r not physical beings?
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Aung San Suu Kyi is detained 4 more time! big surprise! i find this a joke that the western world, especially the US, UK, France, Germany, Australia who cry foul over suppression of democracy have mere words on this.
i wonder where the knight in the shining armour (read Bush) is. i don't understand why there's so much double standards when it comes to dealing with burma, sudan, zimbabwe as opposed to dealing with iraq and iran?
maybe, there's no oil there! right?
i feel awful with the mere words from the world community on this. ugh! the hypocracy.
even the msm like nyt, washington post etc. who normally would open the articles for comments by readers merely report this as just another non-event. shameful journalism.
i ended up posting this on my blog since i couldn't do so as i normally could on sites like nyt, washington post etc.
i wonder where the knight in the shining armour (read Bush) is. i don't understand why there's so much double standards when it comes to dealing with burma, sudan, zimbabwe as opposed to dealing with iraq and iran?
maybe, there's no oil there! right?
i feel awful with the mere words from the world community on this. ugh! the hypocracy.
even the msm like nyt, washington post etc. who normally would open the articles for comments by readers merely report this as just another non-event. shameful journalism.
i ended up posting this on my blog since i couldn't do so as i normally could on sites like nyt, washington post etc.
i remember having read this Problems in Philosophy: the Limits of Inquiry more than a year ago. i was impressed.
i liked the argument put forth in it, that humans might be limited by their cognitive closure explaining or resolving philosophical problems. more of my thoughts on this @ a later time.
ok, my thoughts now.
i think sentience was selected for its ability 2 solve immediate problems of survival and probably procreation @ a later time than solving philosophical problems. just consider this simple scenario, i can survive without thinking about philosophical problems, but i wouldn't be able 2 survive without food, clothing, shelter etc..
disclaimer:@ this point in time, i'm a believer in evolutionary theory but am willing 2 give this up if i find a more compelling theory in future.
i liked the argument put forth in it, that humans might be limited by their cognitive closure explaining or resolving philosophical problems. more of my thoughts on this @ a later time.
ok, my thoughts now.
i think sentience was selected for its ability 2 solve immediate problems of survival and probably procreation @ a later time than solving philosophical problems. just consider this simple scenario, i can survive without thinking about philosophical problems, but i wouldn't be able 2 survive without food, clothing, shelter etc..
disclaimer:@ this point in time, i'm a believer in evolutionary theory but am willing 2 give this up if i find a more compelling theory in future.
Monday, May 26, 2008
while in mysore over the weekend of 24/25may2008, i was able 2 get my hands onto 5 coins. the guy hawking them was very talkative, to the piont where he claimed he knew a lil bit of french, italian, spanish, chinese and japanese! when i proded him 2 say something in spanish, i thought what i heard was french. :) anyways, the coins are: 
1.20 cents south african coin minted in 1996 with "AFERIKA BORWA" on what i think is the obverse
2.10 agorot israel coin, minted 1985 probably
3.10 cents of all places from sierra leone, 1964, with sir milton
margai on the obverse
now the next two, i cannot verify the authenticity yet.
4.left facing elephant on the obverse with perpendicular lines and dot in the center on the reverse. the guy claimed it was from the period of tipu sultan. needless to say, i'm yet to find a pic on the internet matching this one!
5.some arabic or urdu inscriptions one side and 2 in the middle of a circular pattern on the other. this was supposedly from the nawab of hyderabad times! i'm dissapointed to note that the coins i've seen online from that age have what looks like charminar on the obverse.
these last 2 coins have quite a bit of grime on them, so i'm in the process of cleaning them currently. i shall post what i find later.
1.20 cents south african coin minted in 1996 with "AFERIKA BORWA" on what i think is the obverse
2.10 agorot israel coin, minted 1985 probably
3.10 cents of all places from sierra leone, 1964, with sir milton
now the next two, i cannot verify the authenticity yet.
4.left facing elephant on the obverse with perpendicular lines and dot in the center on the reverse. the guy claimed it was from the period of tipu sultan. needless to say, i'm yet to find a pic on the internet matching this one!
5.some arabic or urdu inscriptions one side and 2 in the middle of a circular pattern on the other. this was supposedly from the nawab of hyderabad times! i'm dissapointed to note that the coins i've seen online from that age have what looks like charminar on the obverse.
these last 2 coins have quite a bit of grime on them, so i'm in the process of cleaning them currently. i shall post what i find later.
Friday, May 23, 2008
one of the works i've thoroughly enjoyed.
note:if u want to read the original 60 page version, email me and i shall sent it over 2 u.
note:if u want to read the original 60 page version, email me and i shall sent it over 2 u.
stumbled on this via and my thoughts are below.
Posted By: amarMabbu @ 05/23/2008 2:16:34 AM
Comment: my observations and things 2 ponder:
1.would any other culture/country in america's shoes have done anything differently?
2.maybe one likes and seeks change as long as it is the other person doing it.
3.maybe this behaviour is more deeply engrained in the human genome that anyone/culture/country that rises 2 the top wants to remain there and try and put down others trying 2 claim that spot.
4.maybe it's the selfish interest of the genes that matters more than the ideology that arose from it.
Posted By: amarMabbu @ 05/23/2008 02:22:48
Comment: i want to give credits 2 the original page that brought me 2 this first chapter.alas, i wanted to post the above thoughts of mine on the tnr site, but couldn't do it 4 free.
Posted By: amarMabbu @ 05/23/2008 2:16:34 AM
Comment: my observations and things 2 ponder:
1.would any other culture/country in america's shoes have done anything differently?
2.maybe one likes and seeks change as long as it is the other person doing it.
3.maybe this behaviour is more deeply engrained in the human genome that anyone/culture/country that rises 2 the top wants to remain there and try and put down others trying 2 claim that spot.
4.maybe it's the selfish interest of the genes that matters more than the ideology that arose from it.
Posted By: amarMabbu @ 05/23/2008 02:22:48
Comment: i want to give credits 2 the original page that brought me 2 this first chapter.alas, i wanted to post the above thoughts of mine on the tnr site, but couldn't do it 4 free.
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