Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Aung San Suu Kyi is detained 4 more time! big surprise! i find this a joke that the western world, especially the US, UK, France, Germany, Australia who cry foul over suppression of democracy have mere words on this.
i wonder where the knight in the shining armour (read Bush) is. i don't understand why there's so much double standards when it comes to dealing with burma, sudan, zimbabwe as opposed to dealing with iraq and iran?
maybe, there's no oil there! right?

i feel awful with the mere words from the world community on this. ugh! the hypocracy.

even the msm like nyt, washington post etc. who normally would open the articles for comments by readers merely report this as just another non-event. shameful journalism.

i ended up posting this on my blog since i couldn't do so as i normally could on sites like nyt, washington post etc.

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