Sunday, December 28, 2008

passive homes. "use up as much power as used by a hair-dryer to heat the house!" link.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


season's greetings 2 u, the reader, from me.

drinking water quality - WHO link.

water bear! what the heck is that? link.

drinking water. link.

drinking water contaminants & permissible levels. link.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


aphids - tidbits.
#1. some give birth 2 live young ones! i thought, that feature was a hallmark of mammals. link.
#2. some species of ants "farm" some species of aphids for their honeydew! link.

it pays 2 go back 2 nature 2 get elegant & tested solutions. link.

Friday, December 19, 2008


hmm.. could my allergies have something 2 do with the milk i get in Karnataka, made by Nandini? 

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


did u know? that the coastline of Greenland is approximately the length of the circumference of the earth @ the equator! link.

understanding yawning. link.

etymology of the word, understanding. my take is that, one gets a better view/comprehension of things when they stand underneath that object. ;-)

i just listened to, "maya" by carrie tree. i liked it. i like the way the voice rasps one instant, then becomes smooth the next, and then almost breaks the next, very effortlessly. link.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


i'm tired of Pak's argument that they 2 r a victim of terrorism. the point i want 2 make is, that terrorism is not fermented in India or based out of Indian soil. 2 me, that's a huge difference. rather, it a bumper harvest of the seeds (crop) Pak had sown by allowing its land 2 b used 4 terrorist training camps and on account of ISI's involvement in nurturing these terrorist organizations.

if Pak cannot keep its house in order, India would b more than glad 2 help pursue those rogue/terrorist elements in its land. as simple as that. related link.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


interesting finding in the area of animal psychology. link.


interesting finding in the area of animal psychology. link

Sunday, December 7, 2008


i would concur with this link.

Friday, December 5, 2008


my point is, u can do what u enjoy doing, that in which u find purpose, way b4 u retire. if u're doing all that today, why even retire? everyday is retirement day. read here

Monday, December 1, 2008


just in case, u thought india was illtreating it's muslim population, u might b surprised to know the following.

"India is the only Non-Muslim country in the world where Muslims have college and job reservations. Muslims are even given money to undertake Haj pilgrimage." link.

and the college reservations & job reservations come @ the expense of the majority hindu population, just on the basis that, someone was born as a muslim in india. 

even hindus don't get tax payer's money to make religious piligrimages to hindu shrines!